
Your customers can have a great experience with your organization while you use data and insights to transform your business. Moving to the cloud provides more connected information that empowers your employees to be more productive, while providing your organization with greater security, business continuity and reduced maintenance costs. Microsoft Azure has all the tools you need, and Sunrise Technologies can be your one-stop, full-service partner to help you make the most of it.

Microsoft Azure security center

Lower Your Total Cost of Ownership by Migrating to Azure

Microsoft can help you estimate your migration costs with their TCO calculator—however, customers often overestimate their Azure costs by tens of thousands of dollars a month by not accounting for the difference between a cloud environment and an on-premise environment. Often we find on-premise environments are underutilized because they account for the worst case needs. With Azure, you can scale as needed on weekends and holidays to add or scale back to only use what you need.

Azure vs on-premise data center TCO
'Lift and shift' your applications to Azure

Rebuild your applications on Azure

Key Azure Technologies

Azure offers an extensive set of platform, infrastructure, and datacenter services that can help businesses rapidly innovate, and adapt quickly to the future. And with business application projects often having hundreds of integrations, enhancments, and reporting requirements, it offers a vast array of solutions to help speed up your most critical transformation projects. Microsoft has leapfrogged AWS and Google, positioning itself as the cloud services frontrunner for business.

Integration Services
Simplify integrations for applications, data, and processeses with consolidated management for cloud and on-premise APIs
Modern Data Warehouse
Bring together all of your data quickly with native data connectors from Azure Data Factory to drive insights from dashboards and advanced analytics
Power Platform
Business intelligence, enhancments and customizations have never been easier than with Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, and the Common Data Service

Your Data, Wherever You Want It

If your business has global operations and data sovereignty requirements, you can control which data-center(s) you use. Microsoft Azure is available in 140 countries, including Germany and China.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Regions Global Map

Microsoft Azure Migration Process

Microsoft Azure leapfrogs AWS and Google, positioning the Microsoft platform as the cloud services frontrunner. To minimize risks with security, data sovereignty, and uptime, a transition to Azure as part of a Dynamics 365 implementation or other project scenarios and data storage makes sense. When you partner with Sunrise for your cloud migration and managed services, we’ll start with an assessment of your existing infrastructure, workloads, and applications to understand your cloud readiness. From there, we can provide a recommendation and estimate.

Identify and inventory your on-premise resources to plan where your migration should start.
Efficiently migrate with minimal business impact leverage our migration experience.
Fine-tune resources to strengthen security, improve performance and maximize ROI.

Ready for a Free Consultation?

Let us do the heavy lifting for your Azure migration. We’d love to be your full-service cloud migration services provider to help you get the most out of everything Microsoft has to offer. Let’s get started today!