Migrate to Microsoft Azure to Unlock the Benefits of the Cloud
Improve Business Security and Gain New Capabilities
Businesses are moving to the cloud for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’re facing challenges such as hardware failures during peak seasons, an inability to scale or support aging hardware, or serious limitations with security, integrations, mobility, and collaboration. Microsoft has all the tools you need to enable your digital transformation—like Azure, Office 365 and the Power Platform—and Sunrise Technologies can be your one-stop, full-service partner to help you make the most of the intelligent cloud.

Scale with Growth and Mitigate Risks by Starting Your On-Premise to Cloud Migration
Reduce your exposure to risk, improve disaster recovery preparedness, and benefit from 99.99% uptime from the most reliable enterprise cloud vendor
Never purchase hardware again, free your team from infrastructure maintenance, and only pay for what you use when you scale to match demand

One Microsoft Partner for All of Your Cloud MIGRATION Services
If you are investing in Microsoft Dynamics and want the simplicity of having one full-service cloud solution provider for all of your migration services, we can help!
Your path to discovering all the power of the cloud and unleashing its capabilities will be much faster and easier with Sunrise Technologies at your side.
In no time, you’ll be able to migrate to the cloud, free up IT resources for other mission critical activities, cut costs, visualize your data in new ways, create no-code mobile apps, and help all levels of the organization collaborate more effectively.
Getting excited about the possibilities yet?

Start Your Digital Transformation in a Matter of Weeks
Start with the low hanging fruit (like local servers) to mitigate the inherent risks of an on-premise infrastructure and improve business operations. For instance, you can move your existing on-premise environments to Azure or replace outdated Windows and Office infrastructure with Microsoft 365. Whatever you decide, in a matter of weeks, you’ll be able to tap into the power of the cloud like the Common Data Service, Exchange Online Power BI, Logic apps, Machine learning, OneDrive, and more.
On-Premise Applications
Not ready for a new ERP install? Lift and shift your physical servers and virtual machines as-is to the cloud and quickly reap the benefits of cost savings, security, and increased reliability with Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Microsoft 365
Planning to migrate to Office 365? We can help you replace on-premise SharePoint, Exchange, and SQL servers with the enterprise Office 365 bundle that will improve collaboration and productivity across your entire company.
Business Intelligence
Need better connected data? Integrate on-premise, hybrid, cloud applications, database servers, and data warehouses for a more unified environment that can tap into the intelligent cloud and take your reporting to the next level.

Worldwide Microsoft Azure adoption grew from 45% to 52% in 2019. It was also the only private cloud company to show significant growth, especially among enterprises.
- RightScale 2019 State of the Cloud Report
50+ Azure Regions | 95% of Fortune 500 | $1 billion per year in security | Largest compliance portfolio
How an Azure or Office 365 Migration Process Works
When you partner with us for your cloud migration and managed services, we’ll start with an assessment of your existing infrastructure, workloads, and applications to understand your cloud readiness. From there, we can provide a recommendation and estimation.
Identify and inventory your on-premise resources to plan where your migration should startMIGRATE
Efficiently migrate with minimal business impact leverage our migration experienceOPTIMIZE
Fine-tune resources to strengthen security, improve performance and maximize ROIReady for a Free Consultation?
Let us do the heavy lifting for your Azure or Office 365 migration. We’d love to be your full-service cloud migration services provider to help you get the most out of everything Microsoft has to offer. Let’s get started today!